Our customers say it all

Our customers say it all

Our customers say it all

Expr3ss! is trusted and used by hundreds of companies. Here’s what they have to say.


Average days to hire

Signature Hospitality Group Logo

The results are clear. Thanks to Expr3ss!, our staff retention rates reached 95% in the last quarter, our best since pre-COVID.


Saved on advertising

Signature Care Logo

The solution to hiring great people is to place less emphasis on CVs. The right screening questions let you really nail the key…


Years using Expr3ss!

Spendless Shoes Logo

Spendless Shoes is also seeing positive results from adding video to its processes. We have definitely progressed people through…


Appointed from free sources

Castle Hill RSL Group Logo

The service is the best, so responsive. It's better than any other software provider we have…


Years using Expr3ss!

Drakes Supermarkets Logo

The advanced talent search function cuts down our screening time by miles! It’s a great way to quickly find who you’re looking…


Average days to hire

LUXXE Outsourced Hotel Services Logo

By using this system, LUXXE is in a position to allow our Area and Operations Managers to spend more time servicing our customers…


Saved on advertising

Kelsian Group Logo

Expr3ss! easily has the best online customer service of any program I have used in any job.


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

The Royal Zoological Society of SA Logo

Expr3ss! staff are wonderful. They are happy to help and do so in half the amount of time they say they going to do it.


Saved on advertising

Craveable Brands Logo

It is just so easy! The more I use Expr3ss! predictive hiring technology the more impressed I am with everything it can do…


Years using Expr3ss!

Southport Sharks Logo

The team at Expr3ss! always go above and beyond to help, no matter the issue they will also find you an answer. Their service…


Years using Expr3ss!

O'Brien Electrical & Plumbing

The best thing about Expr3ss! is having everything in one, easy to access site – the job ad, screening questions and results…


Appointed from free sources

Black Star Pastry Logo

After certain roles have been filled, I have flicked them onto "Interest" and have opted to include Video Showreel questions…


Appointed from free sources

Allambi Care Logo

If I didn't have Expr3ss! I would need 1 to 2 staff to do what it does. The collation of information all in one spot, the refer…


Average days to hire

Spendless Shoes Logo

Using the rationale that, the higher the level of employee, a wrong hire can cost 2-3 times their salary as financial impact on…


Years using Expr3ss!

Nick Scali Logo

I started playing with Expr3ss! and found it pretty straight forward. It is full of little tricks to make my life easier.


Years using Expr3ss!

Challenge Community Services Logo

We're over the moon with the Expr3ss! system. I'm taking our people out for dinner to thank everyone for taking it on with such…


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

Autism SA Logo

I have only been using Expr3ss! for less than 24hrs but I am already impressed by the automated ratings – this will help us to…


Years using Expr3ss!

Belgravia Health & Leisure Group Logo

So easy to deploy, packed with great features and the product is always being improved upon. Expr3ss! has in-built training video…


Years using Expr3ss!

ActronAir Logo

We've had great success with Expr3ss! and it paid for itself in the first 6 months. It works really well and I've been happy to…


Years using Expr3ss!

Alwyndor Aged Care Logo

It has made tracking applicants from start to finish easy, efficient, professional and, most importantly, fun. Expr3ss! has…


Years using Expr3ss!

Australian Green Clean

One of our motivations for Expr3ss! was to reduce our staff turnover. When we bought the business our turnover was 30% to 40%…


Appointed from free sources

Workers Lifestyle Group Logo

Really enjoying… once you start to use it you start to know how fantastic it is. It has completely turned around HR. Responses…


Average days to hire

Workskil Australia Logo

Really loving the system. It's just perfect! Live Help is always friendly and very helpful.


Years using Expr3ss!

Workers Lifestyle Group Logo

Once you start to use it you start to know how fantastic it is. Responses, are quicker. We communicate with our applicants…


Saved on advertising

William Adams Logo

Our team and I love using Expr3ss! It’s so simple to use for recruiter and candidate. Without it we’d be in such a mess.


Saved on advertising

West HQ logo

We have noticed the quality of those we are bringing to interview has increased since using Expr3ss!


Years using Expr3ss!

The Royal Zoological Society of SA Logo

Expr3ss! customer service I have never seen anything better, prompt response from their professional staff. Expr3ss! provides…


Years using Expr3ss!

Corinthian Doors Logo

Once I have setup the position, it’s so easy to use to filter the best possible applicants to pursue. Expr3ss! has greatly…


Years using Expr3ss!

West HQ logo

Our Expr3ss! team are always professional, informative and helpful and terrific ambassadors of the Company. They are a pleasure…


Applications received

Black Star Pastry Logo

Expr3ss! has allowed passive candidates who love our brand to see our active roles on our website. Resulting in high quality…


Years using Expr3ss!

Beacon Lighting Logo

For all the other products out there Expr3ss! is extremely well priced and offers exceptional value so much more than what you…


Years using Expr3ss!

Australian Green Clean

Any business that wants to improve their recruitment practices would be mad not to use Expr3ss!


Years using Expr3ss!

Jones Radiology Logo

The customer support is outstanding. Super impressed with their support staff.


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

ActronAir Logo

Since introducing this software we have managed to do most of our recruiting in-house therefore reducing reliance on and…


Saved on advertising

Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Logo

As a first timer to the process of hiring an assistant, this recruitment software has been my best tool. It makes selecting…


Years using Expr3ss!

Beaumont Tiles Logo

I don't just like Salary Matching - I LOVE IT!


Years using Expr3ss!

Krispy Kreme Logo

I'd like to mention the support that Expr3ss! offers to our team. It's wonderful how supportive you are and that we are not left…


Appointed from free sources

Bernardi Group Logo

I have never been so impressed with a company until we joined Expr3ss! Wow!


Average days to hire

Spendless Shoes Logo

The integration between Expr3ss! and HROnboard has been absolutely seamless - continuously improving their products - showing…


Saved on advertising


The two most outstanding features for me are the calendar/notifications (email/sms) and screening questions. Setting up…


Years using Expr3ss!

Beacon Lighting Logo

We have really enjoyed the Onboarding service; it has been such a game changer!


Saved on advertising

Jones Radiology Logo

Fantastic technology with powerful reporting capabilities and extensive customisability. Absolutely outstanding customer…


Saved on advertising

Southport Sharks Logo

I love the live chat, so responsive and a real person on the other end. So many others are a bot and end up talking to a brick…


Applications received

Black Star Pastry Logo

Last week I hired 10 new starters through Expr3ss! Ads only. Traditionally through inefficient screening processes we would…


Average days to hire

C.ex GROUP Logo

Another one here who loves the Expr3ss! partnership. The team are ahead of the game in anticipating their clients needs and…


Years using Expr3ss!

Burnside Hospital Logo

The whole team here are super excited. I explained the impact of Expr3ss! had on time at my previous employer and what it meant…


Average days to hire

C.ex GROUP Logo

I LOVE the applicant videos.


Years using Expr3ss!

Level Plumbing Tamworth

Prior to Expr3ss! and appointing 5 and 4 star applicants, we would be lucky to get one thank you letter from a satisfied customer…


Years using Expr3ss!

Castle Hill RSL Group Logo

It does everything we want it to. Smoother than any other software we have.


Years using Expr3ss!

Collective Wellness Group Logo

It has streamlined job placement, more importantly the questionnaire and recommendations make choosing the right recruit more…


Saved on advertising

Centacare Logo

Expr3ss! has helped me immensely in keeping track of applicants and collecting and tracking data I require for the recruitment…


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

Kelsian Group Logo

I'm so excited about all the features that Expr3ss! has to offer!


Years using Expr3ss!

Signature Care Logo

Expr3ss! is extremely intuitive, so easy to use. It has been designed with the applicant and user in mind


Years using Expr3ss!

Chorus Logo

Expr3ss! is not just great, it’s literally greatness packaged into a system that changed the way we recruit at Chorus. Recruitment


Average days to hire

C.ex GROUP Logo

Love it the more I use it. Changing the benchmarks helps me see who has the potential to grow in the business. Wow!


Years using Expr3ss!

ConnectAbility Australia Logo

3verything! It takes the hassle out of recruitment for me. I love the can do and will do features and the fact it automates so…


Years using Expr3ss!

Community Support Incorporated Logo

Expr3ss! is great as we no longer need to handle over the counter CVs. We collect everything within Expr3ss!


Applications received

Burnside Hospital Logo

What can I say?? We have only been part of the Expr3ss! family for a short time but, what a change to recruitment here at…


Saved on advertising

Chorus Logo

Our team loves using Expr3ss! so much so that we are recommending it to other employers.


Appointed from free sources

Black Star Pastry Logo

We are seeing a significant decrease in time to hire. Previously 8-12 days, now 3-5 days for FOH roles.


Saved on advertising

Castle Hill RSL Group Logo

The team check in with me to see if I need assistance and we never do as it's so simple to use.


Saved on advertising

Corinthian Doors Logo

Expr3ss! has greatly reduced the time it takes for me to recruit and eliminates the angst by taking care of the hard work for me…


Appointed from free sources

Community Support Incorporated Logo

We haven’t needed to advertise for some time. We no longer need to advertise as much as we can search and find things within…


Saved on advertising

'COS Logo

I’m going well with Expr3ss!, it’s been very easy to use and I like how it’s colourful


Appointed applicants

Burnside Hospital Logo

One of my team commented that we had saved her 67% of her time with implementing Expr3ss! Gone is all her administration stuff…


Saved on advertising

Drakes Supermarkets Logo

The Employee Opinion Survey completed in November 2009 comments are a great reflection on Expr3ss! Survey participants…


Saved on advertising

Cranbrook Care Logo

Your Expr3ss! customer service is nothing but amazing. Our team and I always comment on how great everyone is.


Saved on advertising

Darwalla Group Logo

The service we receive from Expr3ss! is the best of any software provider we have experienced. So responsive and informative.


Saved on advertising

Mounties Group Logo

I love the ability use the highlights and colour code applicants.


Appointed from free sources

Drakes Supermarkets Logo

Observed Best Behaviours: Store Assistants: impressed, new employees show great progress. Store Manager: new employees have…


Average days to hire

North Terrace Tyres Logo

Now making the decision on who I interview is done in seconds, not hours of deliberation.  I am driving my business today by…


Saved on advertising

Justified Talent Logo

With nearly 90% of applicants, unfortunately not securing the role they applied for (there is after all generally only one…


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

Community Support Incorporated Logo

Great customer service, support and a user-friendly recruitment program is great!


Appointed from free sources

Darwalla Group Logo

It's great to have a product that does what it says it's going to do.


Years using Expr3ss!

Evolve FM Logo

I love how much extra insight to applicants you get with Expr3ss! There is nothing else like it out in the market. I’ve been…


Years using Expr3ss!

eXenet Logo

Thanks Expr3ss! for the heads up about Police and Volunteer Checks. We do genuinely appreciate the work Expr3ss! does to keep…


Appointed from free sources

Hervey Bay RSL Logo

We make sure everyone comes through Expr3ss!, it's so easy to see where they are up to, 1st interview 2nd interview etc.


Appointed from free sources

Hervey Bay RSL Logo

One of the most powerful features in Expr3ss! is the Calendar. Block the time make it universal and drop the applicants in.


Years using Expr3ss!

Hickinbotham Logo

With high volume recruitment Expr3ss! makes my life easier. From the application to the on boarding. It is a cost effective…


Saved on advertising

ICC Group Logo

Expr3ss! has been a huge help. Congrats to you and the team on a great product.


Applications received

eXenet Logo

I went through all the Expr3ss! Checklist Reports with a referree, holding nothing back. After each and every observation, he…


Saved on advertising

ICC Group Logo

We receive great feedback from applicants on how streamlined the process is.


Appointed from free sources

Krispy Kreme Logo

We use both Expr3ss! and Xref in our business, the value of having a fully integrated experience within our staff selection…


Average days to hire

Southport Sharks Logo

We love everything about Expr3ss! from the team to the software. It's all so easy. Not like others. Nothing else like it.


Years using Expr3ss!

Puratap logo

Expr3ss! has totally transformed the way we employ people at Puratap. We now have an efficient system that saves us time.


Saved on advertising

ICC Group Logo

I am simply in love with Expr3ss! It has made recruitment extremely streamlined for us.


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

Hickinbotham Logo

Expr3ss! is extremely helpful. I come from a recruitment background and I am so intrigued by the Expr3ss! Checklist Reports.


Years using Expr3ss!

Corinthian Doors Logo

Expr3ss! is the best recruitment tool! It has saved me an enormous amount of time and frustration in getting the right…


Years using Expr3ss!

Justified Talent Logo

Over the last 4 years I have been Head of Talent at the Ray White Group, recruiting nationally and an Agency recruiter in my…


Applications received

ActronAir Logo

Hot off the pr3ss… in 50 words or l3ss… why Expr3ss! is a howling succ3ss… Whether hiring a seamstr3ss, actr3ss, waitr3ss or even…


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

Jones Radiology Logo

The retention has been amazing, fabulous. Since deploying Expr3ss! we have saved so much time filtering out those that were never…


Years using Expr3ss!

West HQ logo

The time saved since bring on Expr3ss! in identifying, sorting and inviting to interview has been huge.


Saved on advertising

The Royal Zoological Society of SA Logo

We have worked on our process, moving away from hiring on skills and from the 3 piles of CVs and now have a methodology.


Appointed from free sources

Justified Talent Logo

The Expr3ss! platform allows me to collect much richer and more valuable data upon which I can make a progression-decision…


Saved on advertising

Southport Sharks Logo

The managers have commented on how much easier it is to go in and focus on the top applicants. They are much more…


Years using Expr3ss!

Justified Talent Logo

We see the Expr3ss! predictive hiring software platform as a valuable tool for our recruitment service to both large and small…


Years using Expr3ss!

KitchenAid Australia Logo

I am so impressed with the speed of it. It definitely makes it easy!


Average days to hire

Krispy Kreme Logo

From the third month after we implemented Expr3ss!, we saw savings on paid job ads of 59% which rose to 68% within…


Years using Expr3ss!

Menz Confectionery Logo

It is a great system, just to have everything there at a glance. I just love the system. It's the expedience of it. I love the…


Saved on advertising

Justified Talent Logo

For any Agency recruiter, looking to streamline their process whilst providing a superior level of service to candidate and…


Years using Expr3ss!

Kelsian Group Logo

Thanks for having the best live chat function in the world!


Years using Expr3ss!

Krispy Kreme Logo

Expr3ss! removes the double entry and chance of user error, streamlines our processes with its seamless integrations and makes…


Appointed from free sources

Puratap logo

Thank you for your efficiency and diligence that your company always provides to our ever-changing needs to find the right…


Average days to hire

Krispy Kreme Logo

Now only 8% of Krispy Kreme’s job applicants come from paid job advertising, meaning 92% of job applications come from free…


Saved on advertising

Centacare Logo

For me, the best thing about Expr3ss! has been the support staff, as a new user of the recruitment software I came with many…


Appointed from free sources

Level Plumbing Tamworth

I've been looking for a system like this for years. It works!


Appointed from free sources

Krispy Kreme Logo

At Krispy Kreme we like innovating and Expr3ss! is great tool to recruit and retain our people. As it is the first point of…


Applications Received

Level Plumbing Tamworth

You can really tell the difference between the 5 star and 4 star Interview Priority applicants from all the others. They have…


Appointed from free sources

Lutheran Homes Group Logo

We seen the cost savings in so many different ways. We don't need to bother with advertising. There is no down time as we have…


Years using Expr3ss!

Mad Mex Logo

I write to Expr3ss!,
Thoughts I can’t suppress,
A tool which is no stress,
When hiring is just a button press…


Years using Expr3ss!

Krispy Kreme Logo

Expr3ss! is also credited with improving time-to-hire and significantly raising new employee quality.


Appointed from free sources

Workers Lifestyle Group Logo

We get to see the applicants more as a person now, how they are going to communicate verbally with our customers. Straight away…


Average days to hire

Spendless Shoes Logo

There is a bit of nervousness about, 'well what's my job if it's not reading resumes?', and I just think there's so much more…


Saved on advertising

Zippy Cleaning & Maintenance Logo

It keeps impressing me this Expr3ss! Cuts so much time, gets the right people, and it is so accurate!


Appointed from free sources

Black Star Pastry Logo

The screening function and availability calendar has saved me TONS of time! I used to waste so much time calling candidates that…


Years using Expr3ss!

McLean Farms Logo

I have so much more background on the applicant before I meet them.


Appointed applicants

Menz Confectionery Logo

Expr3ss! is like the HR department and all it takes is someone like me simply to run it


Appointed from free sources

Signature Care Logo

The online referencing alone is worth the cost of Expr3ss!, it has been an absolute gift!


Average days to hire

Krispy Kreme Logo

In fact the direct savings we make in job ad costs alone more than pay for the whole of Expr3ss!, these results came as an…


Appointed from free sources

Menz Confectionery Logo

We put up a job for a process work and got 200 applications all from free sources


Appointed from free sources

Moama Logo

Expr3ss! is clean and simple to use. With easy to use instructions, although the system is created that well you don't need…


Saved on advertising

Mounties Group Logo

I like having everyone in one spot. A snapshot of one person all on one line. I have the stars which say which ones I need to…


Years using Expr3ss!

National Pharmacies Logo

Expr3ss! is very young and funky, I love it!


Average days to hire

Next Gen Health & Lifestyle Clubs logo

Being a first time user of an online recruitment tool after over 20 years in HR, I must say, I am sold and converted and I have…


Years using Expr3ss!

Nick Scali Logo

The new Talent Pool Search has made my life easier. I am now more organised when reviewing my applicants on a day to day basis…


Saved on advertising

Hickinbotham Logo

It is simple and easy for both client and candidate.


Years using Expr3ss!

O'Shea's Carpet Cleaning Logo

What isn’t great about Expr3ss!? It’s a sensational product, that actually does what it says it will! Expr3ss! promises that it…


Appointed from free sources

Nick Scali Logo

We experimented with SEEK Optimised Apply which was costly. We noticed that the volume of applicants was a little higher but…


Saved on advertising

Workskil Australia Logo

Expr3ss! is easy to navigate and makes recruiting easy.


Saved on advertising

Sarah Group Logo

One of the most exciting aspects is the positive effect Expr3ss! has on building our brand. Applicants experience a seamless…


Years using Expr3ss!

ActronAir Logo

It's intuitive, therefore quite easy to navigate around and it enables us to manage all of our recruitment in the one place…


Saved on advertising

Nick Scali Logo

I am loving using the references system through Expr3ss!, saving me so much time! AMAZING that it's free too!


Years using Expr3ss!

Workers Lifestyle Group Logo

The training has been fabulous … the support I have been given from my dedicated trainer has been terrific … always there.


Years using Expr3ss!

North Terrace Tyres Logo

Expr3ss! delivers an easy and simple system where I can sort out the tyre kickers from the serious applicants at a glance...


Appointed from free sources

North Terrace Tyres Logo

Well, it made me think differently about recruiting and employing people, basically it took me behind the curtain into their soul…


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

Kelsian Group Logo

I am always so impressed with the LiveChat function of Expr3ss! Always get such good help... really appreciative!


Appointed from free sources

O'Brien Electrical & Plumbing

Using Expr3ss!, whenever we are recruiting we have achieved time savings of at least 300% and in some areas recruiting is five…


Years using Expr3ss!

National Pharmacies Logo

I love the time I save by having all the information about potential candidates right in front of me in one spot!


Average days to hire

O'Brien Glass Industries Logo

The candidate feedback we receive about the application process is always positive. Internally, we value just how easy it is to…


Saved on advertising

O'Brien Glass Industries Logo

It's very user-friendly and straightforward. The Customer Service is exceptional and our candidates always provide great…


Saved on advertising

Olam Agri Logo

Expr3ss! is so easy to use. As soon as it was switched on, within two seconds I had everything available to me. It's terrific!


Appointed from free sources


Being able to track applicant communication is one of the best features of Expr3ss!... it's magical. Plus being able to leave…


Years using Expr3ss!


Expr3ss is a fantastic recruitment tool that enables me to manage large numbers of applications very easily. It's a simple…


Saved on advertising

Peter Warren Automotive Holdings Logo

I love this system, it's so good. It just does everything you want it to. Since I have started putting Ads up, it's just so easy…


Years using Expr3ss!

O'Shea's Carpet Cleaning Logo

Lots of the people doing their own recruiting are not specialists in recruitment and could benefit so much from all of the…


Average days to hire

Peter Warren Automotive Holdings Logo

We have been an Expr3ss! user since 2014, and haven't looked back since. There is always someone there to help, no matter what…


Years using Expr3ss!

Pittwater RSL Logo

The Expr3ss! product is amazing. I have been a proud user & promoter for many years, and more years to come!


Average days to hire

Polyaire Air Conditioning Products Logo

I'm finding Expr3ss! exceptionally useful in our recruitment process. Where we would previously have spent thousands of dollars…


Saved on advertising

William Adams Logo

We feel we are blessed to have Expr3ss! as our recruitment and selection tool. It always makes our hiring such a success.


Saved on advertising

Puratap logo

I'm loving the system. I find it easy to use and intuitive. I so love the reports in Expr3ss! as I'm all about identifying…


Appointed applicants

Peter Warren Automotive Holdings Logo

We love their support and our business wouldn’t be as great without them! It feels like Expr3ss! is a part of our extended…


Appointed from free sources

Rae-Line Logo

I love how easy it is to get around the system. The time you save in advertising, communicating and onboarding is amazing.


Years using Expr3ss!

Richard Jay Logo

We win awards because of our great team of really good people, largely sourced via Expr3ss!


Years using Expr3ss!

Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Logo

Having used the Expr3ss! recruitment system when seeking employment, I found it to be very user-friendly and extremely…


Years using Expr3ss!

SelectScience Logo

I have learnt a great deal about creating compelling ad copy and comprehensive screening questions. The most important factor…


Saved on advertising

Royal Freemasons Logo

The value of Expr3ss! to Royal Freemasons has been major! We were using another service in the past. There is just no way it…


Years using Expr3ss!

Southport Sharks Logo

Interview Q&A Templates in Expr3ss! are so easy to set up and simple to use.


Years using Expr3ss!

Aluminium Specialties Group Logo

Our local managers tell us how easy it is to use Expr3ss! and how easy it makes life!


Applications received

Corinthian Doors Logo

It has saved me an enormous amount of time and frustration in getting the right applicant for the position. Expr3ss! is the best…


Years using Expr3ss!

Workers Lifestyle Group Logo

The most valuable thing has been the time savings. What it has done for us is find the right people with the right fit.


Saved on advertising

Spendless Shoes Logo

For me, the biggest cost saving across our 200 stores, is ensuring the quality of candidates and getting a candidate more likely…


Years using Expr3ss!

Sarah Group Logo

Without the Expr3ss! Checklist Classic Report we would definitely have appointed someone inappropriate to this role. As it was…


Saved on advertising

Sarah Group Logo

Expr3ss! is a really great service and I recommend it to people all the time. Our HR Manager uses it extensively and I recently…


Saved on advertising

SelectScience Logo

I have just started using Expr3ss! and found it to be very user-friendly. I particularly value the online and offline help…


Appointed from free sources

Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Logo

Brilliant Australian Company, engaged with their customers and consistently modernising the system


Saved on advertising

Southern Cross Care Logo

Expr3ss! has our jobs on mobile phones all handled. They look great!


Years using Expr3ss!

Southport Sharks Logo

We take iPads into interviews and use Interview Q&A Templates in Expr3ss! This allows us to simply type answers and notes…


Average days to hire

Southport Sharks Logo

A huge time saver, in that the shortlisting process is so much easier now.


Years using Expr3ss!

Spendless Shoes Logo

By closing off job adverts it significantly impacted traffic to our web site which in turn engages visitors and often leads to…


Saved on advertising

Kelsian Group Logo

I’m so excited about all the features that Expr3ss! has to offer! I have limited experience of the system so far, but I tell all…


Appointed from free sources

West HQ logo

We are excited about the Expr3ss! and Xref Partnership, it allows us to have a single view of the candidate and keeps all the…


Average days to hire

Spendless Shoes Logo

The company recently hired 130 staff across 32 new stores in 12 weeks, led by retail Recruitment Manager Nicole Murphy and…


Years using Expr3ss!

Burnside Hospital Logo

There are many great things about Expr3ss! from the systems simplicity and transparency, to the level of detail it provides on…


Years using Expr3ss!

Autism SA Logo

User-friendly, simple, interactive.


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

The Royal Zoological Society of SA Logo

We have already halved our time to hire. The team have saved days.


Saved on advertising

Spendless Shoes Logo

We save approx 6.5 hrs for every job placement and fill 150 positions a year.  That is a saving in total hours of 975 hours per…


Saved on advertising

Signature Care Logo

Expr3ss! has been our lifesaver. It is simple to use and even assists with shortlisting! I would highly recommend it.


Saved on advertising

St Marys Rugby League Club Logo

The training I have received is one of the best customer service experiences I have had in a long time, it’s fantastic!


Saved on advertising

West HQ logo

I see my colleagues use Expr3ss! on a daily basis, it has changed their lives in that they no longer spend so much time going…

The Essential Ingredient Logo

I have had great success in using the Expr3ss! service this year for all my key appointments. I found that it gives me the…


Saved on advertising

The Hospital Research Foundation Group Logo

The Hospital Research Foundation Group has a fantastic staff group in place, in fact the best I have ever experienced in 40 years…


Saved on advertising

Workers Lifestyle Group Logo

When applicants came in and we did our induction, I knew everyone of them and by name ... they were taken completely by…


Years using Expr3ss!

The Royal Zoological Society of SA Logo

What made us jump on was that Expr3ss! was so well supported and easy to implement. We're really leanly resourced, having not…


Years using Expr3ss!

Workers Lifestyle Group Logo

I have just been sitting here watching the applicant videos, and I have to say I LOVE this system!! I’m kicking myself for not…


Saved on advertising

Trinity College Logo

It’s wonderful and we have had some amazing quality applicants apply for positions


Average days to hire

Signature Hospitality Group Logo

The results are clear. Thanks to Expr3ss!, our staff retention rates reached 95% in the last quarter, our best since pre-COVID.


Saved on advertising

Signature Care Logo

The solution to hiring great people is to place less emphasis on CVs. The right screening questions let you really nail the key…


Years using Expr3ss!

Spendless Shoes Logo

Spendless Shoes is also seeing positive results from adding video to its processes. We have definitely progressed people through…


Appointed from free sources

Castle Hill RSL Group Logo

The service is the best, so responsive. It's better than any other software provider we have…


Years using Expr3ss!

Drakes Supermarkets Logo

The advanced talent search function cuts down our screening time by miles! It’s a great way to quickly find who you’re looking…


Average days to hire

LUXXE Outsourced Hotel Services Logo

By using this system, LUXXE is in a position to allow our Area and Operations Managers to spend more time servicing our customers…


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Kelsian Group Logo

Expr3ss! easily has the best online customer service of any program I have used in any job.


4 & 5 star applicants appointed

The Royal Zoological Society of SA Logo

Expr3ss! staff are wonderful. They are happy to help and do so in half the amount of time they say they going to do it.


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Craveable Brands Logo

It is just so easy! The more I use Expr3ss! predictive hiring technology the more impressed I am with everything it can do…


Years using Expr3ss!

Southport Sharks Logo

The team at Expr3ss! always go above and beyond to help, no matter the issue they will also find you an answer. Their service…


Years using Expr3ss!

O'Brien Electrical & Plumbing

The best thing about Expr3ss! is having everything in one, easy to access site – the job ad, screening questions and results…


Appointed from free sources

Black Star Pastry Logo

After certain roles have been filled, I have flicked them onto "Interest" and have opted to include Video Showreel questions…

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