


Learn about the latest trends in workforce management and human resources

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Recruitment Tips
HR Trends
Workplace Culture
Predictive Hiring
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Recruiter using a computer surrounded by AI technology bubbles

3 min read

23 July 2024

The future of recruitment: Trends and innovations

While artificial intelligence clearly has a key role to play in the future of recruitment, it is critical to ensure that this new technology eliminates hiring bias rather than entrenches it.

Woman in front of a wall of candidates, she is covering her eyes with her hands

3 min read

25 June 2024

500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining

Employers complained about the lack of applicants. Now we have 500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining.

Woman confused about hiring bias

5 min read

14 May 2024

Trying to avoid conscious and unconscious bias? Technology can help

Whether it’s by accident or on purpose, it’s easy for people to let bias cloud their judgement when it comes to hiring decisions.

Smiling man standing in front of resume graphics

4 min read

9 Apr 2024

Garbage in, garbage out

Hiring great people, who are in for the long haul, requires focusing less on what they can do and more on who they really are. Everyone wants to avoid bad hires!

Man smiling with chat bot graphics

4 min read

4 Mar 2024

ChatGPT ghostwrites CVs

As employers are swamped by fake CVs and covering letters as ChatGPT ghostwrites them, isn’t it time to find a better way to determine whether someone is really a good fit for the job?

Woman looking at a graphic of a survey

4 min read

23 Jan 2024

Employers get hooked on applicant numbers, why?

Quality is far more important than quantity when it comes to sifting through a vast pile of job applications in search of the perfect hire.

Group of people sitting around a table in an office

10 Min Read

13 July 2023

Harvest your own Talent Pool

It’s not news that the labour market has shifted exponentially over the last few years (and if this is news to you, apologies for the rude awakening!).

Man working from home with a laptop and a dog

9 Min Read

22 July 2021

How to nail onboarding remotely – 6 tips that work

The onboarding phase of an employee’s journey is extremely important.

Woman sitting in front of a computer

4 min read

20 Apr 2021

How to research recruitment systems to ensure you get everything that is important

Is your current recruitment system doing the most for your staffing and business goals?

8 min read

13 Apr 2021

Top 7 factors a HR Professional needs to consider when recruiting new staff

Hiring decisions are one of the most important tasks for HR professionals.

7 min read

19 Mar 2021

Why your initial application process should NOT ask applicants for numerous documents

When preparing your job advertisement and application process, it may seem intuitive to ensure it is as comprehensive as possible in order to avoid time-wasters.

6 min read

18 Dec 2020

How to reduce recruitment costs – 5 proven strategies

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, many businesses have made significant adjustments to their usual operations, one of those changes has been to reduce costs in a number of areas including recruitment.

6 min read

11 Dec 2020

What is workplace culture and why should you take it seriously?

Workplace culture can be defined as a combination of shared beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours that shape the way an organisation and its employees function.

9 min read

3 Dec 2020

Building a business case for recruitment software

Where to start? What to include? How and when you present your case will be key to success.

6 min read

23 Nov 2020

Creating a COVID culture

Ideas to create a feeling of caring connection for the individual, the team and the community at large.

3 min read

20 Nov 2020

Smart predictive tech meets talent demand for aged care

The Healthcare and Education industries in Australia are experiencing a high demand for talent.

4 min read

17 Sept 2020

HR trends. What’s changed, what stays, where to now?

As Australia slowly awakens from this moment. What are the implications for HR, now and into the future?

3 min read

8 Sept 2020

Two call centre recruitment techniques to reduce costly turnover

Hiring staff is expensive in terms of recruiting time. How to set transparent expectations early?

3 min read

25 Aug 2020

Why franchise businesses need recruitment software

Franchisees are not professional recruiters, yet are often expected to do the work of one.

6 min read

17 Aug 2020

How to shortlist job applicants to increase retention

How do you pick the best applicant for the job and avoid CV reading fatigue?

4 min read

15 July 2020

5 Healthcare recruiting tips for the competitive Australian market

It has been predicted that by 2025 there won’t be enough nurses to meet demand.

4 min read

8 July 2020

Love, dating & predictive technology

The increased speed has become a defining characteristic of the modern recruitment world.

AI hand reaching out to touch a human hand

3 min read

1 July 2020

Can AI read people better than you?

Is AI biased? Of course it is! And so are humans.

6 min read

25 June 2020

The 7 benefits of using a Predictive Hiring ATS over a rudimentary ATS

Are you another recruiter or HR professional working from home? How will this change how you hire?

6 min read

23 June 2020

Tips on how recruiters can adapt to remote recruiting

How are you preparing for the influx of candidate applications? We suggest making a list of technologies that can assist with remote recruiting.

3 min read

18 June 2020

Recruiting now, what next?

With the current influx of applications for jobs, how much harder and stressful will it be for traditional recruiters to pinpoint the best hires without the help of technology?

3 min read

11 June 2020

Why recruiters are switching to Predictive Hiring Technology

Locating a skilled candidate can be one thing, but finding someone who is happy to stay in a new position is another.

1 min read

1 Nov 2019

Mapping all over the World

One of our wonderful Expr3ssors! shared this awesome image with me this week

1 min read

9 Sept 2019

I’ve got Friday on my mind

The Easybeats were right, we do have Friday on our minds. And why not?

3 min read

27 Mar 2019

Automated screening brings top candidates to the fore

A national retailer has slashed its recruitment advertising spend by 95%

2 min read

4 Mar 2019

Difficult to fill roles “not so difficult after all”

According to recent research, two major industries are experiencing high-demand for talent.

14 min read

14 Jan 2019

Winner: Ferrython 2019

Congratulations! Our Ferrython VIP 2019 winner, is Melanie Pollock from West HQ

3 min read

9 Nov 2018

Iconic retailer Spendless Shoes recruitment results a step above

If I told you about a retail company that processed more than 354,000 unique job applications in 10 years, would you believe me?

2 min read

3 Sept 2018

Resume lies on the increase

Resumes are supposed to be an accurate, factual document detailing work history, education and experience. Four out of five resumes fail the test.

2 min read

6 Aug 2018

Time-to-Apply – new research and surprising data

Just how important is Time-to-Apply?

3 min read

26 July 2018

How Expr3ss! and Xref practice what we preach

As competition for talent reaches an all-time high, the rush to get the best candidates through the door can often overshadow the focus on doing hiring well.

5 min read

26 July 2018

HR & Finance – An unlikely power couple

As CFOs at the helm of two high-growth HR tech organisations, Xref’s James Solomons and Kristie Langley-Gliddon from Expr3ss!, are perfectly placed to discuss the evolving relationship between finance and HR.

3 min read

26 July 2018

#MythBusting: How screening questions really affect applicant experience

We keep hearing about the war for talent… “Today it’s not just challenging, it’s downright hard and complex,” says Jacob Morgan on

3 min read

22 Apr 2018

Australian HR professionals lead the way in adopting clever technology

Australian Human Resource professionals are more forward thinking than most.

4 min read

30 Jan 2018

Why you didn’t get a Christmas card from us

2017 has come and gone. And you may have noticed that we didn’t send you a Christmas card. No ‘happy holiday’ wishes, no ‘festive fun’. Nothing.

3 min read

14 Oct 2017

Think Widget! Are your website career pages working for you?

Q: Are you missing out? A:  If you don’t have the Expr3ss! widget on your website career pages, you probably are.

3 min read

20 Aug 2017

Paid Job Ads arrest decline against Job Aggregators

In researching some current data from our database of more than 3 million job applications, we came across some interesting trends regarding Job Aggregators

2 min read

6 June 2017

Take talent: what does success look like?

If you already know what success looks like in a specific job based on the characteristics, behaviours and attitudes of people who’ve done well in it, why not use that to inform your next recruitment for that very same job?

3 min read

2 May 2017

Take the plunge: get your own talent pool

I’m a big advocate of hiring for behaviours and attitudes, and training for skills.

2 min read

31 Mar 2017

Salesforce World Tour – Tech platforms facilitate growth

Last week I was invited as a keynote speaker to participate at the prestigious Salesforce World Tour.

3 min read

26 Feb 2017

How to hire for organisation agility & innovation

Change, like death and taxes, is inevitable. Businesses with the agility to react to change quickly and appropriately are better positioned to adapt and thrive in the long term.

3 min read

26 Feb 2017

Recruiting season 2017: What Goldman Sachs didn’t do

Expr3ss! is pleased to announce that predictive hiring technology is once again disrupting the status quo and improving the way companies staff up.

3 min read

28 Dec 2016

The best way to build a customer-centric culture

At Expr3ss! we consider our customers to be our most valuable business asset. Do you?

3 min read

21 Dec 2016

Technological disruption transforms recruitment

When Expr3ss! wants to know more about what’s top of mind for the tech industry’s key innovators, our team turns to TechCrunch Disrupt.

Dr. Glyn Brokensha speaking at Disrupters 2016

4 min read

7 Dec 2016

Is Dr Glyn Brokensha an HR Disrupter?

Earlier this year, the news outlet partnered with Solstice Media to present “Disrupters,” where Expr3ss! Co-founder and Chairman Dr. Glyn Brokensha was a featured speaker.

3 min read

23 Nov 2016

Seamless integration: Why Krispy Kreme Australia loves Expr3ss!

Our team is crazy about Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, both as sweet treats and an Expr3ss!

4 min read

13 Nov 2016

“Holistic” recruitment at the CIA

The CIA’s multi-step recruitment process looks at a candidate as a whole person, according to Ron Patrick, Head of Recruitment for the agency.

3 min read

9 Nov 2016

#Mythbusting: There is no talent shortage

Many employers have been brainwashed by the myth that recruitment and retention are difficult because there are no good candidates.

2 min read

7 Oct 2016

For recruitment success: Don’t over-value hard skills

More and more it seems that companies are doomed to a revolving door of employees.

2 min read

5 Oct 2016

How to fall in love with recruiting again

When business owners and hiring managers sleep, they dream of talking to intelligent, skilled candidates who have talent and drive and who understand their company’s corporate culture.

2 min read

24 Aug 2016

Showreel: Video hiring tool for progressive employers

When it arrived, video conferencing was heralded as the next big thing in recruitment.

3 min read

3 Aug 2016

Danger: 46% of Millennials plan to quit in 2 years

If you’re staffed with Millennials, your business is at an increased risk of losing some of your best workers in a very short time.

Happy barista pouring a coffee

3 min read

20 May 2016

Hire for attitude, train for skill

Expr3ss! knows that when it comes to staffing and recruitment, a single goal is shared by companies of all sizes: to hire the “best of the best”.

1 min read

11 Dec 2015

Fred Hollows has our Christmas card for you

Expr3ss! Adds Another Fred Hollows Sponsorship

2 min read

4 June 2015

Retailer staff retention rates boosted by Expr3ss!

We are in business to make a difference and figures prove that we have for our long-term client, Michelle Adey, the HR Administrator at Radio Rentals and RT Edwards.

6 min read

19 Feb 2014

Why cost is your friend not your enemy

One of our favourite customers says,“Cost is the enemy”. But I beg to differ...

5 min read

26 Feb 2013

It’s not a marriage proposal

Have you been searching for, “The One”?  You know they’re out there… they must be… the one true applicant who is the perfect match.

3 min read

14 Jan 2013

Your applicants are people too

How many times have you seen and heard “our team is important to us”, “our people are our greatest assets” and “it’s our people that we need to thank for our success.”

3 min read

21 Nov 2012

What is a resume for?

It’s not too hard to define what a resume is … the Australian Government has already done that for us, bless ’em

Recruiter using a computer surrounded by AI technology bubbles

3 min read

23 July 2024

The future of recruitment: Trends and innovations

While artificial intelligence clearly has a key role to play in the future of recruitment, it is critical to ensure that this new technology eliminates hiring bias rather than entrenches it.

Woman in front of a wall of candidates, she is covering her eyes with her hands

3 min read

25 June 2024

500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining

Employers complained about the lack of applicants. Now we have 500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining.

Woman confused about hiring bias

5 min read

14 May 2024

Trying to avoid conscious and unconscious bias? Technology can help

Whether it’s by accident or on purpose, it’s easy for people to let bias cloud their judgement when it comes to hiring decisions.

Smiling man standing in front of resume graphics

4 min read

9 Apr 2024

Garbage in, garbage out

Hiring great people, who are in for the long haul, requires focusing less on what they can do and more on who they really are. Everyone wants to avoid bad hires!

Man smiling with chat bot graphics

4 min read

4 Mar 2024

ChatGPT ghostwrites CVs

As employers are swamped by fake CVs and covering letters as ChatGPT ghostwrites them, isn’t it time to find a better way to determine whether someone is really a good fit for the job?

Woman looking at a graphic of a survey

4 min read

23 Jan 2024

Employers get hooked on applicant numbers, why?

Quality is far more important than quantity when it comes to sifting through a vast pile of job applications in search of the perfect hire.

Group of people sitting around a table in an office

10 Min Read

13 July 2023

Harvest your own Talent Pool

It’s not news that the labour market has shifted exponentially over the last few years (and if this is news to you, apologies for the rude awakening!).

Recruiter using a computer surrounded by AI technology bubbles

3 min read

23 July 2024

The future of recruitment: Trends and innovations

While artificial intelligence clearly has a key role to play in the future of recruitment, it is critical to ensure that this new technology eliminates hiring bias rather than entrenches it.

Woman in front of a wall of candidates, she is covering her eyes with her hands

3 min read

25 June 2024

500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining

Employers complained about the lack of applicants. Now we have 500K migrants looking for work and some employers are still complaining.

Woman confused about hiring bias

5 min read

14 May 2024

Trying to avoid conscious and unconscious bias? Technology can help

Whether it’s by accident or on purpose, it’s easy for people to let bias cloud their judgement when it comes to hiring decisions.

Smiling man standing in front of resume graphics

4 min read

9 Apr 2024

Garbage in, garbage out

Hiring great people, who are in for the long haul, requires focusing less on what they can do and more on who they really are. Everyone wants to avoid bad hires!

Man smiling with chat bot graphics

4 min read

4 Mar 2024

ChatGPT ghostwrites CVs

As employers are swamped by fake CVs and covering letters as ChatGPT ghostwrites them, isn’t it time to find a better way to determine whether someone is really a good fit for the job?

Woman looking at a graphic of a survey

4 min read

23 Jan 2024

Employers get hooked on applicant numbers, why?

Quality is far more important than quantity when it comes to sifting through a vast pile of job applications in search of the perfect hire.

Group of people sitting around a table in an office

10 Min Read

13 July 2023

Harvest your own Talent Pool

It’s not news that the labour market has shifted exponentially over the last few years (and if this is news to you, apologies for the rude awakening!).

Man working from home with a laptop and a dog

9 Min Read

22 July 2021

How to nail onboarding remotely – 6 tips that work

The onboarding phase of an employee’s journey is extremely important.

Woman sitting in front of a computer

4 min read

20 Apr 2021

How to research recruitment systems to ensure you get everything that is important

Is your current recruitment system doing the most for your staffing and business goals?

8 min read

13 Apr 2021

Top 7 factors a HR Professional needs to consider when recruiting new staff

Hiring decisions are one of the most important tasks for HR professionals.

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