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4 June 2015

4 June 2015

4 June 2015

Retailer staff retention rates boosted by Expr3ss!

Carolyne Burns
Carolyne Burns

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Carolyne Burns

Carolyne Burns



We are in business to make a difference and figures prove that we have for our long-term client, Michelle Adey, the HR Administrator at Radio Rentals and RT Edwards.   The difference in just three years is massive.  At Radio Rentals, staff retention rates in 2012 were down around 32%.  With the use of Expr3ss! software, the retention rate has doubled and is now up above 64%. Michelle also shared the results from RT Edwards, the Queensland-based electrical retailer.  Staff retention of 20% in 2012 at RT Edwards, has more than tripled to be tracking at 66% in just three years.

As Michelle says,

“The figures are excellent. We are extremely happy with these results and are glad we jumped on board with Expr3ss! Your software has made things so very quick and easy.”

Michelle also says that the number of staff failing probation has also decreased, proving that staff selection at the entry-level, is improved by the use of the Expr3ss! survey system.

Tracy Schulze, the National Recruitment Specialist and HR Support manager at Beaumont Tiles, has results that impact the bottom-line too!

Staff churn at Beaumont Tiles, across Australia, has been reduced to just 3% after reaching about 20% a few years ago.  Says Tracy:  “The bespoke Expr3ss! survey allows us to choose the right people, based on attitude and fit.”

Further, Tracy says the reduction in costs to the business is a huge benefit.  One person manages the recruitment process for the business, and they work about 26 to 30 hours a week only. 

Says Tracy,

“It has saved us the cost of 3 to 4 full-time staff.  Measured by savings from job ad placements, short-listing and contacting candidates, and arranging interviews. The system more than pays for itself.”

And here at Expr3ss! we also take delight in the fact that staff appointed to Radio Rentals, RT Edwards and Beaumont Tiles are now two, three and ten times more likely to have landed a life-affirming and career-enhancing new job.  We think that’s awesome!

Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn

Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn

Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn