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6 Jan 2014

6 Jan 2014

6 Jan 2014

Good news Indeed!

Carolyne Burns
Carolyne Burns

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Carolyne Burns

Carolyne Burns



Wouldn’t it be great if there was a Google® just for jobs?

Well, there is!  It’s called Indeed.com.  It’s huge, it’s world-wide and now it’s in Australia.  It’s a one-stop-shop for job ads… and the best part?… it’s free.  Yes, that’s free as in it costs you nothing.

And the even better news?  Expr3ss! partnered with Indeed.com in mid December, meaning your job ads get perfectly indexed by the Indeed.com search engine… automagically.

That’s right, you need do nothing at all.  The moment your ad goes live on Expr3ss! [visible and in “Apply” mode] Indeed.com will pick it up and it will be found in searches shortly after that [average about 1 hour].


Indeed.com works just like Google.  The Indeed “spider” roams the web looking for pages that contain job ads.   But there’s a better way, Indeed.com accepts a “feed” from trusted sources with which it has partnered.  And, you guessed it, that’s Expr3ss!

Prior to December, some of you may have noticed that the number of Applicants without a known “Source” was increasing rapidly.  That growth was mainly Indeed.com but the Applicants were not being “tagged”.  So you didn’t know where they were coming from.

And Indeed’s indexing of your ads was a bit haphazard, as the Indeed.com spider was not finding all your job ads.  Only about 7% of them in fact.

The Expr3ss! feed to Indeed.com has changed all that.  Now your ads are properly indexed and fully searchable within minutes, all without your lifting a finger.

And applicants loooove Indeed.com because it’s a one-stop-shop where they can find just about all the jobs there are.

The numbers speak for themselves

When our partnership with Indeed clicked in, Indeed.com applicants comprised an amazing 47% of all applications made on Expr3ss! (across all our customers).

“Of course this can’t last”, we thought… but we had hopes for a steady-state in double figures.

Well, we have reached that steady state and it’s an astonishing 33%.  Yes, one third of all Applicants are finding jobs on Expr3ss! via your free listings on Indeed.com  – one third!  That compares with only 27% of applications coming via paid ads on Job Boards (e.g. Seek)

This trend is what I wrote about here in November 2012 … and it’s happening even faster than I predicted.   In a later expr3ssion.com blog article, I’ll show you some remarkable head-to-head case studies that expand on these facts.

But won’t I be inundated with unsuitable overseas Applicants?

Actually, no you won’t.  We take care of that.  Take a look at where potential applicants to Expr3ss! customers are coming from

The density of colour represents the number of job-seeker visitors (Note! job-seeker visitors not applications!… for applications see below)

[Do remember that whilst Expr3ss! is primarily an Australian Company,  some Australian customers are also in Asia, North America and Europe!] 

As opposed to job-seeker visitors, when we look at  completed Applications on Expr3ss! for jobs in Australia, we find that almost all Applicants are based in Australia.

To the right is a representative example drawn from a predominantly blue collar employer.

But the Applicants will all be of poor quality, wont they?

Sorry, wrong again.  Let’s take a look at the facts…

Applicant Quality by Source

So completed applications on customers’ Expr3ss! sites are of equivalent quality to all sources.  And they’re free!

Is there anything else I should do?

Good question!… nothing!  Just sit back, relax and watch the quality, Australian-domiciled applicants roll in.

As I mentioned, as soon as your Job is made visible and is in “Apply” mode on Expr3ss!, it’s ready for our feed to Indeed.com to ensure it’s properly indexed and easily searchable.

It’s best to ensure that your Job has a defined location.  Research shows that job-seekers prefer jobs that have a location they can relate to.   So add a postcode and suburb for best results.

Never fear if your Job’s location is an area (e.g. Central Coast NSW), we’ll very soon be helping by adding that facility right into Expr3ss!

How do I get the best out of the Expr3ss! partnership with Indeed.com?

We suggest you use the “Quality Report” to watch how well Indeed.com is working for you.  Consider holding back publication on other Job Boards (e.g. Seek) for a few days to give the free listing the best chance.  Who knows?… you may not need to pay to advertise at all!

Thanks for dropping by.

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Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn

Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn