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22 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018

Australian HR professionals lead the way in adopting clever technology

Carolyne Burns
Carolyne Burns

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Carolyne Burns

Carolyne Burns



Australian Human Resource professionals are more forward thinking than most.  Recent research by AHRI [1] showed that not only are dynamic HR professionals unafraid of the future, but they’re actually embracing change and technological advancement rapidly.

With 96% of Australian HR professionals reporting that they view technology and AI in particular as their friend rather than their foe, it’s clear that local HR professionals are world leaders.

The research indicates that HR professionals don’t simply want to use technology for the sake of it, they are open mainly to tech that improves their processes.  And there is consensus that tech products like Expr3ss! are preferred.

Expr3ss! is software that simplifies staff selection… so what are the benefits?…

Less time wasted vetting candidates

Applicant Tracking Systems certainly streamline workflow and they eliminate significant time wasting.  But they still leave recruiters facing a daunting mountain of resumes to read.

With Expr3ss! predictive hiring technology applicants are ranked according to an intelligent algorithm (informed by your organisation and vacancy’s unique requirements). Expr3ss! is the world’s first intelligent Staff Selection System and is currently saving Laser Group an average of 35 days per recruitment.

Time saved through automated one-click communication with multiple candidates

Dynamic HR professionals have so many roles and responsibilities to juggle, the last thing that they need is labour-intensive manual communication with applicants.  Clever use of HR tech like Expr3ss! eliminates the need for this altogether.  Using built-in, customisable messages, targeted to the applicant’s stage of progression (e.g. shortlisted, for interview, preferred etc.), applicants receive a personalised, communication tailored for them.

Less time wasted on manual processes frees HR professionals to add more strategic value to drive business impact and strengthen their influence at board level.

Job advertising costs slashed

Intelligent HR tech like Expr3ss! integrates through APIs automatically with both free and paid job boards. The list and popularity of free job boards is growing rapidly.  Our customers now receive more than 72% of their quality applications through free job boards, drastically reducing paid job board advertising.

Krispy Kreme has reduced paid job ad spend by 67% since implementing Expr3ss!

Expr3ss! customers effortlessly pull reports to see which job board gives them the highest quality applicants. Identifying the paid platforms that yield the best return allows cost-driven decisions to made on hard data, not guesswork – minimising advertising spend.

The impact on the business bottom line from harnessing technology intelligently drives a changed perception of HR professionals’ value as they make a demonstrably and measurably positive contribution to profits.


One of the biggest challenges HR leaders report is gaining credibility among their colleagues.  Incorporating clever tech, HR processes become more transparent, streamlined, efficient and measurable.  They inevitably become recognised as contributing to the success and bottom line of the business.

Harnessing the benefits of technology, HR professionals position themselves as dynamic business leaders with real impact on the company’s future.

[1] https://www.hrmonline.com.au/section/featured/hr-afraid-future-hears-hopes/

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