Always matching the right person for the right job




Years using Expr3ss!




Appointed from free sources




Saved on advertising

Key benefits

Time saving
Applicant fit


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Expr3ss! has totally transformed the way we employ people at Puratap. We now have an efficient system that saves us time... no longer do we use costly recruitment companies that do not necessarily find the right person for the job.

With Expr3ss!, we are always matching the right person for the right job, first time and every time.

I find it easy to use and intuitive. I so love the reports in Expr3ss! as I'm all about identifying applicants with the right attitude and training the skills.

Thank you for your efficiency and diligence that your company always provides to our ever-changing needs to find the right person for the right job whilst aligning with the culture of our company.

I'm loving the system.

Kelly Jorissen on behalf of Steve May
General Manager / Managing Director, Puratap Pty Ltd

Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn

Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn

Transform your hiring with our all-in-one recruitment platform

The smart HR tool that helps cut staff churn