Burnside Hospital Logo
Burnside Hospital Logo


Years using Expr3ss!


Applications received


Appointed applicants

Key benefits

Time saving
Customer support

Karina Bunker
Director of People and Culture, Burnside Hospital

The whole team here are super excited. I explained the impact of Expr3ss! had on time at my previous employer and what it meant for team contributions. I explained what it meant to the applicants too. I already knew how good you were to work with. Every day my team were sooo excited about using Expr3ss!

Expr3ss! has not only been a benefit for the business ... the excitement and energy that the HR team have got back has been a huge benefit.

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Get in touch

Fill out this short form and an Expr3ss! team member be in touch with you in a flash.

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Fill out this short form and an Expr3ss! team member be in touch with you in a flash.